Shake it Off!
Recently, I worked with someone new to a particular role in our organization at a client site. Despite navigating an unusually challenging client situation, he found himself shouldering the blame, replaying the scenario in an endless loop. Knowing his background in sports, I shared an analogy to encourage him to shake it off.
I asked him if he gave it his all for the client and left nothing on the field and he replied, “Yes, I gave it my all.” I told him even though it’s better when we win the game, when we are confident we gave it our all, we walk away assured of our efforts. I told him, “It’s imperative to learn where we can and shake off the rest so we can get back in the game.” Though he seemed to grasp the message, his expression hinted at lingering doubts.
This situation caused me to reflect on how it parallels our experiences as Christians when we sin. Recognizing our mistakes, we turn to God in repentance, and His promise is forgiveness. Failing to shake off guilt is like sidelining ourselves, hindering the plans God has for us. Psalm 103:12 assures us, “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.”
Despite God's forgiveness, our conscience often loops on mistakes, similar to a dog chasing its tail. Clinging to guilt questions the power of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Replaying the past hinders us from seizing new opportunities, but God calls us to get back in the game, promising His faithful and never-ending support. Staying in guilt plays into the enemy’s hands, thwarting our impact where God positioned us. Hebrews 12:1 urges us to “lay aside every weight” and run the race set before us.
Practical steps to shaking it off include:
1) Confessing our mistake(s) to our Heavenly Father.
2) Then do something tangible like writing it down and physically destroying or discarding it, symbolizing God's forgiveness once and for all.
3) Tell God you're ready to move on and ask Him for His help in receiving His forgiveness.
4) When the enemy tries to remind you – recognize it and immediately reject it, saying out loud, “Christ forgave me and I am a child of God.”
5) Lastly, praise God for His goodness, mercy, and forgiveness. Remember, our strength is found in praise. Nehemiah 8:10 tells us, “The joy of the Lord is our strength.”